Apps by Jan Mensch

Privacy Manifestor launch

With recent changes from Apple on the AppStore, by May 1st 2024, every newly uploaded app or app update needs to include a “privacy manifest file”.

However intended way to create this file is super awkward. You need to refer to the documentation from Apple and manually use this information to tinker around in a plist file in Xcode. Copy IDs around, keeping in mind the correct plist structure and hope you don’t mess things up.

I decided I can do this better. Hence: a privacy manifest file wizard, the Privacy Manifestor.

Just go through the catalog of questions, press “export”, share the file to your computer and drop the file into your Xcode project.

It’s still a bit rough around the edges and I intend to smooth things over with upcoming releases. Including adding some simpler phrasing to many of the items to make things easier to understand. For cases when wording is really important, I will keep the original wording from Apple accessible.

Privacy Manifestor icon

Go download it on the AppStore!

Link to the AppStore